Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mass Effect 2 - Launch Trailer

With just a few days left, Bioware releases the official Mass Effect 2 Trailer

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nvidia GF100 Graphics Processor

Cost cost cost
The age of the consumer desktop is leveled out and in decline. More and more consumers and business are buying laptops and netbooks. It's a telling sign that intel ditched Larrabee a few months back.

I hope that nVidia plans around that. The enthusiast and gamers markets aren't what they used to be.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How many years does the Xbox 360 have left?

Given the huge sums of money Sony and Microsoft have poured into the current generation of consoles, is it any surprise neither camp is promoting a successor to the 360 or PS3.

Here Microsoft goes on the record as to why there is long future ahead for the XBox 360
See Link>Long live the Xbox 360

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mass Effect 2 - Infiltrator

I'm in Infiltrator class in Mass Effect and look forward to transferring over this one to Mass Effect 2. The new combat style looks real nice. Both a distance and close in fighter - looks real promising.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Trailer

One of my most anticipated games for 2010 is Battlefield: Bad Company 2
The original game offered a novel story of an unwitting squad gone rogue and faced with opportunity or huge gold riches if they survived. The game used the Frostbite engine to great effect which includes destructible buildings.

The 2nd Trailer for Battlefield Bad Company 2

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Lightwave Core Beta....err Alpha

1st let me get this out of the way - There is no enforced NDA on Core discussion. I don’t know the reason why there was no NDA enforced, but I imagine things were supposed to be going more swimmingly than they have for the past year.

With that said, I’m not going to delve so much into Core itself as there is not much of note to talk about. It’s in an Alpha state. You can see what features are planned and more about Core here

Core should never have been released for testing as early as it was for two reasons. One, because there was nothing to test. And Two because anytime anyone cared to offer feedback, they were hammered home with “Did we say it was done yet?”. (It still happens today). That really confounded some people. Why did they join the Hardcore program if it wasn’t to offer feedback. On it’s first release it was effectively a UI with little stability and little function. The forums from the first Alpha release up till October of 2009 were volatile. To be frank, any form of participation in the program was one of listening and waiting.

It wasn’t until November that a feature list PDF was released which appeared to placate a number of forum members. The features listed more than pacified many anxious and restless people in the forums. With that said, I’ll have to say history hasn’t favored NT in its projections so I skipped the love in but held my tongue.

I’ve learned to dislike the term “Forward Looking” being part of Hardcore. It’s a convenient “bases covered” & “Wait and See” excuse to keep participants from pointing out feature directions that appear complicated or headed into a non intuitive direction. It gives the Devs the opportunity to launch “Did we say it was done yet?” That’s Bullshit! Answer the goddamn questions or put this bloody mess back in the egg and let it gestate some more. Bring out it when it’s complete enough so we can PARTICIPATE in a proper Beta program.

Now it’s 2010 and it’s bit more calm since November. There is still division and unless things speed up, I expect those that were placated will start to twist out of their straight jackets. Jay and Chuck really need to qualify every build with something for users to really test. Up until that happens - this thing is Alpha and the same vitriol that burned in the forums in 2009 will renew themselves in 2010.