Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Mass Effect 2 Gameplay - Would I have played this on a PC?

Mass Effect 2 is one of if not the best follow up titles I've played on an XBox 360. The game play, locations, environments, and graphics are all up several notches.

Now there are allot of Point counter Points on Console vs. PC out there, but I'm going to wade into this from perhaps a different angle than most. I play both Console and PC equally and I've had extensive years (20+) playing both.

 Cut to the Chase

For all it's high marks I noted, it is still pinned to the constraints of a console platform design. The levels, many of which are amazing to look at, are notable for whats achieved on a console. Invisible walls dot the landscapes on enough levels to remind the player the vistas are a virtual set only, "Turn around and go down the path".

Now that sounds like a knock, and yes it is if I had purchased this for my PC, but I didn't. This game is rock solid and hits most all the marks on the 360. Easily one of the best games I've ever played on a console. Just nothing worth noting if I had purchased it and played for the PC. 

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